Roman style of Architecture

November 26, 2014
15 Most Amazing and Beautiful

Today, new fascist architecture is scarce because of the Axis powers' defeat in World War II. The fascist political ideology quickly went into decline along with the style of architecture after World War II. As a result, the post-fascist era has yielded nearly no new edifices of this style.


The fascist style of architecture reflects the values of Fascism as a political ideology that developed in the early 20th century after World War I. The philosophy is defined by a strong nationalist people governed by a totalitarian government. The vision of a strong, unified, and economically stable nation seemed appealing to western Europe after the physical and economic destruction after World War I, which contributed to the rise of fascism and corporatism.

Italian and German fascism[edit]

Fascist architecture became popular under Benito Mussolini's rule of Italy from 1922 to 1943. Within this period he transformed the Italian executive role from that of a prime minister to a dictatorship. A few years after his taking of office he was referred to as Il Duce (the leader). When Mussolini took office, he took on the role of bringing about fascism and idealism to replace democracy in Italy. He utilized all forms of media along with architectural identity. The new modernist style of architecture was one way to help build his vision of a unified fascist Italy. When Mussolini called for a fascist style of architecture, architects used the style to imitate that of imperial Rome and to bring historical pride and a sense of nationalism to the Italian people. Fascist architecture was one of many ways for Mussolini to invigorate a cultural rebirth in Italy and to mark a new era of Italian culture under fascism.

Similarly, once Hitler came to power in 1933 and transformed the German Chancellory to a dictatorship, he used fascist architecture as one of many tools to help unify and nationalize Germany under his rule. Hitler had plans to rebuild Berlin after the axis powers won World War II under the name Germania, or Welthauptstadt Germania. Hitler had his favorite architect, Albert Speer, design this new metropolis using fascist architecture design.

Fascist styled architecture is a branch of modernist architecture which became popular in the early 20th century. The fascist style was also greatly influenced by the rationalist movement in Italy in the 1920s. Rationalist architecture, with the help of Italian government support, celebrated the new fascist age of culture and government in Italy.

In Nazi Germany, the extremely large and spacious Fascist architecture was one way envisioned by Hitler to unify Germany by designing structures for what he described as "mass experiences" in which thousands of citizens could gather and take part in the patriotism of community events and listen to speeches made by Adolf Hitler and other Nazi party leaders.

The fascist style of architecture was very similar to the ancient Roman style. Fascist buildings were generally very large and symmetric with sharp non-rounded edges. The buildings purposefully conveyed a sense of awe and intimidation through their size, and were made of limestone and other durable stones in order to last the entirety of the fascist era. The buildings were also very plain with little or no decoration and lacked any complexity in design. These generalities of fascist architecture contributed to the simple aesthetics the edifices display. All these aspects helped the fascist dictatorships exhibit absolute and total rule of the population. Hitler and Mussolini used fascist architecture as another source of propaganda to display to the world the strength, pride, and power their regimes had.

The Italian architecture was actually very eclectic. Much focus has been on the grand buildings. In the Dodecanese, and Kos in particular there is also a romantic element that speaks Juliet's balcony rather than classical Rome's glory. The 1933 earthquake resulted in a programme of re-building in Kos, of not only public buildings but also villas and ordinary houses. Many of these buildings, made from concrete combine the severe lines of the modernist architecture with arches, circular windows and fussy ornamentation.


The most prominent Italian and German fascist architects of the era were Giuseppe Terragni, Marcello Piacentini, and Albert Speer.


A few of the notable fascist architecture projects of the 20th century include

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